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Participatory budgeting

Reading rooms: accessibility and wi-fi

2024-05-02  •  No comments  •  Crystal Herrera  •  South district

The reading rooms are one of the few spaces, next to the libraries, where the youth of the district can study quietly and properly prepare their exams.

Recently some of them have been rehabilitated, but they need improvements both to allow access to their services to everyone and to facilitate the consultation of information and knowledge so necessary while a person studies. Therefore, we propose that in the four reading rooms:

To install elements that allow accessibility to people with reduced mobility, except in Cebreros due to the strong technical difficulties of carrying it out. Free wi-fi network coverage is available. We also propose the installation of accessibility elements for people with reduced mobility at the western entrance to the Cultural Centre.


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Shade trees in squares

2024-05-02  •  No comments  •  Doris Carroll  •  North district

Plant shade trees in squares that are now mere stone deserts or lack them, so that they can be used by neighbors as small oases in the city and contribute to clean the environment and lower high temperatures in summer. To provide them with sufficient land and irrigation so that they can live and develop (and not remain like sad skewers). Choose species that work well in this environment.


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Cinematheque for the district

Cinematheque for the district

2024-05-02  •  No comments  •  Joe Sanders  •  West district

La Nave is the result of the rehabilitation of a part of the old and abandoned barracks, which was saved from real estate speculation thanks to the struggle of the neighbors of the neighborhood to maintain it for equipping the neighborhood.

It is a cultural macrospace that has two theater rooms, several multipurpose rooms, common areas and warehouses. The previous government left it in absolute disuse and even today, the programming that is carried out is far below the occupation that can accommodate this large space.

Our proposal consists in the creation of a cinema library, an audiovisual room for alternative, independent and non-fiction cinema programming that would be located in a room on the lower floor of the Nave Teatro.

It is a project that does not require a great investment but that would give cultural life to a neighbourhood that, like almost all of them, has lost all its cinemas, as well as offering all the people of Madrid the possibility of enriching our social and cultural life.

Thank you for supporting our proposal.


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Pedestrianization of streets with narrow and impracticable sidewalks

2024-05-02  •  No comments  •  Crystal Herrera  •  West district

The object of this proposal is to pedestrianize those streets of the district whose narrow sidewalks are in practice impracticable. In particular, the proposal refers to streets with sidewalks of 1m or less in width.

Among other problems, neighbors and pedestrians are forced to share the roadway with vehicles and sidewalks are inaccessible to people with disabilities. Coexistence is sometimes made even more difficult by the fact that these streets (often separated from the main roads) are used for loading and unloading illegally and outside the areas set aside for this purpose.


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District International Blues Festival

District International Blues Festival

2024-05-02  •  No comments  •  Tiffany Castro  •  South district

We believe that the city deserves an international Blues festival as it is held in other cities. The musical offer is wide and, especially in the months of spring to autumn, there are a lot of live music activities. However, Blues is in a position of inferiority to other musical styles, as it has enjoyed little institutional support for its promotion. That is why we are making this proposal, a Festival that will be free and will feature leading figures of national and international Blues.

Last year we had the opportunity to organize a Blues festival with musicians, which was developed with great success. This fact, together with the flourishing associative and cultural activity of the District in the last years, encourages us to propose this International Festival taking advantage of the existing municipal spaces.

Its realization could serve as a means to create in the district a cultural circuit with a stable cultural program, as it provides for the exploitation of synergies with other associations, seeking their participation and collaboration. The event will also have economic advantages for the District and for the city, as this type of event attracts fans, with the consequent increase in activity, especially in the services sector.

The Festival will include musical and children's activities, a conference, a documentary screening, a master class and an exhibition, with the aim of presenting a broad programme aimed at all audiences.

Calendar: SpringFriday 24 and Saturday 25 May + Friday 31 May, Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 June


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Financial aid to guarantee basic food supply

2024-05-02  •  No comments  •  Jason Kennedy  •  City

Social emergency financial aid is not just welfare benefits. They form part of the benefits implemented by the social protection system to overcome situations of social difficulty. In accordance with the provisions of Law 11/2003 on Social Services, these economic benefits, together with the techniques and materials, will be the actions carried out to achieve, re-establish or improve their welfare.

Based on data from the National Statistics Institute's Living Conditions Survey, it is estimated that 1% of the inhabitants of the municipality of "cannot afford a meal of meat, chicken or fish at least every two days", some 32,000 people. If we take into account that less than 14,000 people receive the Minimum Income of Insertion, we see that the population that cannot afford a basic diet is more than double that which receives economic aid from the Autonomous Community. This shows that the Community's aid does not reach all the people who need it either.

In recent years, night-time queues of people waiting to pick up waste from supermarkets have become commonplace in working-class neighbourhoods. New neighbourhood food collection and distribution networks have also emerged, a clear symptom of the inadequacy of public policies and the overflow of traditional NGOs.

We consider that Participatory Budgets can be an opportunity to reach objectives of coverage of needs not reached until now, and to offer a definitive support to people and families that do not reach their autonomy and well-being because the existing aids are not sufficient.

Our proposal consists of fully allocating the 30 million euros of the Participatory Budgets to an economic aid programme to eradicate food poverty in the city. This would mean contributing 0.6% of the City Council Budget to satisfy a basic need of 1% of the population, the most vulnerable.

We invite you to massively support this proposal to eradicate this social stigma and as a way of demonstrating to Public Administrations that what citizens demand in the first place is that basic human rights be guaranteed.


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Public playroom

2024-05-02  •  No comments  •  Judy Garrett  •  West district

A public playroom is needed for children and babies in the District so that they can play days of rain, cold, or very hot. Currently, the only options are private, scarce and expensive. In addition, there are almost no public (or private) spaces appropriate for babies in their first year of life to develop their motor skills.

It is proposed to create a comfortable, warm, inclusive and accessible space, where we can spend time with our children and share with other families. A public space could be set up to become a playroom with a wide access timetable. In its interior and exterior zones, children will be able to socialize, play and participate in activities, babies will be able to move freely in a safe place; and their mothers and fathers will have zones to exchange experiences, form themselves, organize workshops, weave networks and propose cultural activities for girls and boys.


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Musical equipment for the District's public schools

2024-05-02  •  No comments  •  Doris Carroll  •  East district

The proposal is aimed at equipping several public schools in the District with instruments and other equipment related to musical teaching and practice, with the aim of holding music classes organised outside school hours, as well as rehearsals by the Orquesta-Escuela del Barrio for children and adults, within the framework of the project being carried out by the Association made up of different citizen groups (musical and educational associations).


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The boulevard of art

The boulevard of art

2024-05-02  •  No comments  •  Jason Kennedy  •  North district

The general objective of the project is to be able to generate a work space where artists and artisans can earn a living while promoting expression through art, whether through workshops, shows, exhibitions, craft booths, mimes, dance, painting, poetry ...

The boulevard would have 14 permanent booths which would be rented by the Board (monthly, weekly, fortnightly...) for different events (handicrafts, books, gastronomy of other towns and countries, flowers...).

The booths could have energy in a sustainable way, in addition these booths could take advertising of the shops of the neighborhood to save expenses as much as possible.

The project contemplates a Mural of Expression where, monthly, graffiti painters or whoever wants to express themselves. Each month would be bleached with the complicity of the neighborhood. These samples of street art could be the object of some report by workshops so that this ephemeral art could be captured in an annual exhibition.

It also contemplates a stage for neighborhood groups (charangas, orchestras, monologues, magicians, puppets, dance, theater ...), so as to create a meeting space between artists, artisans and neighborhood.


We present this project with the illusion of being able to carry out together with the neighbourhood collectives, a space where art overflows in every corner of the boulevard and thus recover a space that has been damaged in recent years.

Not only would it give work to artisans, but it would also dynamise the area and rescue it from the state of deterioration in which it finds itself.

The support of the Town Planning and Employment Committee is requested because it touches areas of them.


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Enlarge library

2024-05-02  •  No comments  •  Tiffany Castro  •  South district

Dámaso Alonso's library is small and would need to be enlarged in order to enlarge the collection of books.


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