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Collaborative legislation icon

Collaborative legislation

In the City Council we are designing a new Air Quality and Climate Change Plan. Join the process to help us define the most important issues of the future plan.

  • 4. Quality Education
  • 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

Participation phases


20 Jul 2024 - 27 May 2025

Review with us the new proposal of Regulatory Ordinance contributing with your comments.

  • 5. Gender Equality
  • 10. Reduced Inequalities

Participation phases

Draft publication

17 Jul 2024


17 Jul 2024 - 27 Apr 2025

The City Council wants to reinforce its commitment to Human Rights with the elaboration of a Plan that will be the instrument for the development of its public policies with a transversal approach that affects all municipal action.

  • 2. Zero Hunger
  • 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 17. Partnerships For the Goals

Participation phases


15 Jul 2024 - 27 Nov 2024

Help with collaborative legislation

Participate in the debates and processes prior to the approval of new regulations or strategies. Your opinion will be considered.